Friday, September 28, 2007


In regards to Ken Burns "The War"
“This is a great victory for the Latino community and for our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much for the defense of this nation,” stated Rivas-Rodriguez, a journalism professor at the University of Texas at Austin who leads the project that documents the Latino role in the war.
I'm not sure there is a great victory here - Ken Burns is only including two Latino stories during the 15 hour, seven parter series. If they sacrificed so much for the defense of their nation aren't they entitled to more than just two stories? I think the campaign made a tremendous stepping stone in getting PBS and Ken Burns to change their mind, but I think there needs to be more Latino presence. I didn't watch last Sunday, but I will be tuned in this Sunday to see how much light they shed on the contributions of the Latino community during the war.

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