Friday, September 21, 2007


I've never thought about news reporting and disabilities until reading this article ( The only time I've seen disability issues on the news was covered in an inspirational type story. I shouldn't admit that I didn't even think about "the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, tragedy, most reporters missed stories about the failure of building evacuation plans to include wheelchair users." Last week during the anniversary of 9/11 the media covered the progress we've made as a nation to be safer and the lives of the police, firefighters and the children of the victims, but I never heard or read a story about people with disabilities. I think this relates to the fact that media doesn't regularly report disability issues and we're programmed to only think about what's being covered. I think there is a real need for public awareness, we're talking about 20% of our nation's population being completely being disregarded by journalists.

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