Monday, November 12, 2007

The Influence of Hip Hop

Regarding the article For Clues on Teenage Sex, Experts Look to Hip-Hop in the New York Times.

I'm curious to know if the researches took into account the home life of the teenagers studied. My personal belief is the more unstable the home life of the teenager the more susceptible they are to being influenced by any amount of things, in this case hip hop. I have not only wonderful parents who have provided me with the necessities and so much more, but I've always been surrounded by role models. I can listen to hip hop music and not be affected by it - I don't grind up on men on the dance floor, do drugs, or have promiscuous sex. I think teenagers are confused enough as it is and if they don't have a stable home to keep them grounded and level headed then they can be influenced by the lyrics of hip and hip and think something like doing drugs will give them a better life.

So, yes I do think music should be censored and so should the videos that go along with it. And I think if something is illegal then it should NOT be allowed to be shown in music videos, movies, etc., on television.

Responsibility is the word that comes to mind, people have got to start taking personal responsibility for themselves and the people they effect.

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